FINALLY! It is warming up enough to say with confidence that it is SPRING! Woo hoo!! (if it feels like I am celebrating too enthusiastically - well, let's agree that it was a shock to come home to weather that was cold on the Florida scale of temperatures!)
But all of that is quickly fading from memory - it was above 80* yesterday and a fabulous day to be outdoors and enjoying training time with the horses!
ZAP!!! |
Oreo is hard at work! |
Spring has a few changes coming to the farm - among them we're actively looking for buyers and agents for our current inventory of horses! There is a wide range in ages, training and sizes - which a very good thing for the prospective purchaser...lots to choose from and with prices starting under $10K for select horses and suitations, this is a super opportunity to acquire a nice horse at a reasonable price. A few of the horses would be best suited to careers outside of the dressage arena...they are too talented over fences to be "wasted" as strictly just dressage horses. Contact
Anne for more information and pricing. That being said, the horses are enjoying the new exercises learned and polished down at Catherine's stable! It is a daily joy to feel the improvements that her system accomplishes each and every ride!
Dream Girl |
Speaking of riding - there is a position still available for a dedicated, responsible working student. Message
Ellie for more information.
New Cover Art! |
I'm going to cut this blog short - there are horses to work!
~ Happy Riding!!~
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