Congratulations go out to Hoppy Stearns on the successes of her homebred Waferer (Waldiare x Calida by Calido I) at the recent jumper shows! Wafer is just 3 years old and has already proven himself to be a steady ride with a super work ethic and mind! It goes without saying that he is a very bold and careful jumper and delights his riders on a daily basis. Here are some snapshots of one of the local show's...

Wafer is for sale and has competed up to 2'9" with no difficulty - liverpools, gates, walls...not a problem!
On the home front, our senior stallion Waldaire (age 21) enjoyed a nice ride yesterday -

We are very proud of how sound he still is and what a super character! He was quite proud to be ridden after a long hiatus.
It is worth mentioning that we even have to double check when looking at photographs as to whether it is Waldaire or his son Wizard (age 4) as their markings are nearly identical...

The young horses are making excellent progress! Karin and her Adelaide WF have graduated into schooling in a double bridle -

Wyatt WF (by Weltmeyer) also is showing signs of approaching a show entry! He is quite powerful and the work in the 4th level tests is becoming very mundane to him, so we are beginning to scout out dates. :)

Congratulations also go out to Jessy and Barbara MacKnew for all their show success with Aly Alice xx! They continue to do very well in the Jumpers in MD!!! Yay for Jessy and Alice! I do have some photos to crop but must scoot to the barn for the morning chores!
Hopefully everyone is getting to enjoy the cooler weather that has arrived!!! Enjoy the weekend!