Dolce is the big girl - she is 2.5 months old now and quite the 'boss' of the boys! She has a great personality and is very sweet to work around.

Dru is all very much a boy - he loves to show off and Dolce is his preferred playmate. She thinks it is fun to have her little shadow...

Louie is quite sad most days as he wants to play with his neighbor - Wilson. However, Wilson & Sabrina go out in the smaller pasture, so they don't spend their days together...

Wilson does like to show off and here are some photos of him showing off for the camera! (and I am totally at fault for not having added more photos of him has gotten in the way, sorry!)

We added Wilson to the pasture for a few minutes this morning and he sought out the other two that are the same color...pretty funny to see him ignoring Louie for being a different looking beastie! :)

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