Moo thinks he is up to the 4020.
It is now normal (and fun) to go from a Grand Prix horse fine tuning the intricacies of passage-piaffe-passage transitions to a green WTC youngster straight back to another Grand Prix horse and fine tune more uber challenging stuff.
The Grand Prix crew thinks it is fun to play with all the “hard” stuff.
Leading Wyatt down the aisle for turnout tonight, I reminded his “little” sisters that they have a lot of work to do. Much like I say to Whodini, Dru and McDreamy - their 2 oldest siblings already do all the GP work, so it's time to get cracking!
Things are on track to have another horse to Grand Prix by the end of the year. That makes #4 in 3 years.
No one can remember the name of the flowering tree by the side of the outdoor ring.
Two more horses should be Intermediare I ready by fall. Four, really, if I can figure out how to ride so many at the upper levels all summer and not die of the heat/sun/humidity. Maybe I'll become a vampire and ride indoors w/ the lights instead and sleep from 9am-4pm...
I rode our last “baby” today for the first time.
Flopsy is on the road to recovery from his TNR adventure. Thanks to Helping Hands for Helping Hands For Animals in Lancaster, PA for all that they do to help feral cats. Big thanks to Chris S. for her help and Pat T. for the use of the trap!
If I can figure out how to sell 2 (or more) horses, I can afford to go to more shows.
The horses are all smiling at the end of their work. Happy, happy athletes!
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